September 01, 2012

Good Times Sewing!

I have been sewing like a fool the last few days.
I just finished a lunch bag for my granddaughter. I am in love with the look and hope she likes it. If not, then my daughter will take it. :)

The pattern is called Jack & Jill Lunch Bags by Heather Bailey Sewing Patterns.  I purchased it at a local quilt shop, The Quilted Bliss in Amarillo.

Here is the pattern front. I chose to make the red one, model A.

I could not get my handle to stay up for a picture, but here is my lunch bag with laminated fabric I had saved for several years. It took me a whole day to make as there were several pieces and I had to read the directions over and over to get the whole process in my mind. Then it came together more easily.

It is lined with a yellow fabric with pink and green plaid. So cute! I also lined it with thermal lining so foods will stay hot or cold nicely.

I went to Jo Ann's Viking store to pick up a plate I ordered for my Viking. While there I looked around and found in the Apparel Section [fabrics on bolts stacked on flat shelving...? Why?] a yard of 64" knit jersey that I loved. I came home and found a pattern that one of my ASG friends had given out at a meeting. She always bought patterns she said when they were on sale only to find she already had them at home.

The pattern  is a New Look pattern #0152. The pattern had a belted jacket, top with options for sleeve length, a gored skirt and slacks. I had enough material to make the short sleeved top.

It is hard to take a picture of yourself wearing something!

The pattern is a chevron with white background, then chocolate, lime and turquoise accents. It is much prettier than it photographs. It took about 2 hours to sew it and it fits like a dream. I used my bust measurement to select the size and that works! I wore it to work this am and it was the first thing my daughter noticed when she came in the store! She thought it was a great fit and I felt like million in it. The best part was the fabric was on sale after already being marked down and I got the yard of fabric, thus the top for $4.50! Now who says you cannot save money sewing your own clothes is crazy. The fabric is "global travel" fabric, nice quality, feel and non-wrinkle. This may start me on a new wave of sewing altogether...sewing clothes. ;))

Well, happy sewing friends!

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